French Ministry for Ecology, headed by Segolène Royal, published an ambitious energy plan on June 18,2014. The plan consists of 10 key measures including a reduction in nuclear electricity generation from 75 to 59% by 2025 and a target of 40% renewable energy in 2030. The text foresees the construction of 7 mln charging points for electric vehicles by 2030. In addition an obligation for public and private parking lots to install charging points is included as well and a subsidy of up to €10.000 when a diesel car is substituted by an electric car. Much of the required funding however still depends on further involvement of the French eco tax. Measures also include a 10 year multi annual plan for France energy mix and measures for promoting heat production form biomass. Annually €10 to 30 bln will be necessary on top of the existing 37 bln energy budget to finance the measures, mostly expected to come from private investments. Measures to facilitate cheap loans will been enhanced for residential energy renovations that generally cost up to €18.000. A heat fund will be set up to spur energy efficiency. The EHA was informed that hydrogen appeared in the final draft but seems to have disappeared from the text that was published on June 18.