The fourth edition of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Drive ‘n’ Ride ran November 22-23 in Brussels and aims to demonstrate how technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells can reduce transport emissions, one of the European Commission’s two environmental priorities for 2012 – when used with a renewably generated fuel, fuel cells are zero emission end-to-end.
The event sees more than 100 EU officials and other high-level stakeholders experiencing the technology first hand by driving or riding in one of eight FCEV on display – including a Honda FCX Clarity, a World Drive edition Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-CELL, a GM HydroGen4, Toyota FCHV-adv and an Intelligent Energy/Lotus fuel cell black cab. Refuelling was demonstrated by a Daimler/Linde mobile refueller.
November 22nd a panel debate featuring industry representatives and policy makers to discuss how best to bring the technology to market. The Ride ‘n’ Drive has been organised by Daimler, Linde, Honda, Intelligent Energy, Opel and Toyota.
Links: FuelCellToday