On the eve of the presentation of the EU Trans European Network for Transport corridors plans on December 22, 2014, the EU Hydrogen Infrastructure for Transport project, HIT, final results hit the roads on December 17, 2014 in Brussels, attracting infrastructure specialists, hydrogen vehicle OEM industry and EU Commission officials and regional government representatives. Strategically scheduled after an annual general meeting of HIT partner HyER, regional officials outside the HIT partner countries joined the event to hear about the proceedings of the four HIT National Implementation Plans of France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands describing how to move from the first individual hydrogen hubs to a market for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) and a HRS network along TEN T corridors. A glimpse was shown of the HIT Synchronized Implementation Plan including the most recent information on vehicles and hydrogen station developments analyzed the individual NIPs to distillate synergies and best practice on how to set up NIP’s . Herald Ruijters, DG MOVE head of unit of TEN T Networks pointed to the need to ensure transport infrastructure improvements stay on the EU Council priority list and the EU Commission’s European Strategic Investment Fund. A second HIT2 corridors project also co-funded by the EU, has been launched recently linking the HIT stations to corridors circling the Baltic Sea connecting Sweden via Finland and Latvia to Poland and Germany.