The 6th Stakeholder General Assembly of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) will take place on Wednesday 13 November 2013 at the Autoworld Museum in Brussels, Parc du Cinquantenaire 11. On this occasion, a broad range of European and international stakeholders as well as leading speakers from the fuel cell and hydrogen community will gather to mark the 10th anniversary of a European fuel cells and hydrogen strategy and set out the vision for the next decade.
Innovative, low-carbon and cost-effective technologies are urgently needed to address major challenges in energy security, climate change and economic growth. Fuel cells and hydrogen belong to core solutions.
The FCH sector succeeded in turning its initial vision into concrete ambition. It has developed a joint public-private strategy implemented through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. The main results of this effort and plans for its future will be presented during this year’s SGA.
Looking ahead, the SGA will also discuss the proposed European FCH JU programme under Horizon 2020 and the Innovation Investment Package recently adopted by the European Commission. Industry, research and the public sector are strongly committed to making fuel cells and hydrogen key enablers in achieving EU 2020 targets and optimize the leverage effect of the EU budget for growth and jobs.
This year’s session will be closely linked to the FCH JU Programme Review Days on 11 and 12 November 2013 in Brussels. The progress of the portfolio of projects dedicated to fuel cells and hydrogen will be assessed in relation to the targets fixed in the multi-annual and annual strategic agenda as well as with reference to international developments in the field. Details of the programme and registration information will be available beginning October 2013 at
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