Monday the 15th of November 2010 marked the official first day of independence for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. To celebrate, the Executive Director of the FCH JU, Bert De Colvenaer invited EHA along with other organisations and stakeholders to a lunch time reception to celebrate the occasion.

Although the FCH JU was very successful within its collaboration with the commission, this step will assist to remove  bottlenecks within administration and create a more streamlined administrative procedures. The JU aims to reinforce global ties with 3rd nations currently developing a hydrogen market.  In addition, this change will also help to facilitate deployment of hydrogen marketable technologies which require close ties to EU member states.

During the Reception Mr. De Colvenaer gave a short speech expressing the ambitions that the Joint Undertaking are now faced with and his hope to bring more successes to the table. Also, at the lunch reception EHA presented Mr. De Colvenaer with the history of EHA coalition studies and publications.

Bert De Colvenaer

Executive Director FCH JU