The European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) hosted the 4th Stakeholder’s General Assembly on November 22-23 2011 in Brussels. The event presented that Europe has reached a decisive stage in achieving its decarbonisation objectives by 2050 and hydrogen and fuel cells technologies are key in reaching the objectives set forth.
Significant investments have been made by industrial, research, and political stakeholders to push the technological development and market entry. Regulatory and adequate financing mechanisms are needed to overcome the remaining barriers to deployment and encourage early adopters of these innovative technologies to move forward. With limited financial resources and an investment climate under pressure, concerted action between all stakeholders is more than ever essential to foster a successful integration of fuel cells and hydrogen in the European energy and transport system.
During the Stakeholder’s General Assembly, all areas of industry and research as well as EU and national policy makers exchanged what is needed to bridge the gap between demonstrations to commercial deployment of these clean technologies as well as on the pooling of resources and policies.
The European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) hosted the Programme Review Day on November 22nd 2011. Throughout the day’s parallel sessions, Project Coordinators from FCH JU funded projects in areas of Demonstration in Road Transport, Fuel Cells degradation aspects, Sustainable Hydrogen production, New Materials and stacks for FC applications, Early market demonstration for Materials Handling, Hydrogen production and storage activities, Portable and back-up power applications, New electrolysers for Hydrogen production, Stationary applications proof of concepts and System components development, Training and regulatory aspects, socio-economic and benchmarking activities, Operation diagnostics tools for stationary applications, and Pre-normative research and Life cycle assessment activities.
As each project was presented, the program review board analysed the portfolio of each and during an active question answer session following presentations Project presenters were able to address specific topics in relation to their projects. Each of the projects in which EHA is a partner was presented: HyFACTS, FC-HyGuide, SHEL, HyLIFT-DEMO, HyPROFESSIONALS.
The fourth edition of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Drive ‘n’ Ride coincided with the events, in Brussels with aims to demonstrate how technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells can reduce transport emissions, one of the European Commission’s two environmental priorities for 2012 – when used with a renewably generated fuel, fuel cells are zero emission end-to-end.
Press release of event may be found in download section of this post.