The H2, FC and and Battery Group Exhibit broke records in number of exhibitors, so who are the new kids on the block in Hall 27? The Americans, Taiwanese and the French!

The US was partner country of this year’s  Messe and the Group Exhibit included interesting companies from the states of Connecticut, Massuchussetts, New Mexico and New York:

  • GINER presented its onsite hydrogen generators….
  • Pajarito Powder of New Mexico showcased its FC catalysts
  • NOVOROCS is a startup company founded to commercialize advanced catalyticreforming technologies for processing of fossil, synthetic, and renewable hydrocarbon feedstocks into hydrogen-rich or methane-rich fuels for energy generation.
  • US FUEL Cell Corporation (yess where is the European Fuel Cell?!)
  • Sulfa Trap does what its exotic name refers to….

The Taiwanese secured a strategic location featuring:

  • The Taiwan Fuel Cell Partnership (TFCP) founded in 2001. The Partnership continues the mission of the Executive Yuan’s Fuel Cell Research and Development Society, to promote and develop the Taiwan’s fuel cell industry
  • M-Field active in all-in-one total solutions for fuel generation, energy storage or power generation connecting photovoltaic, wind power, battery or grid power to fuel cell systems. Their MF-UEH Series provide 1~3kW power and back up for over 8kWh at maximum power output.
  • Boyam fuel cells for twowheelers

The French pavilion included Symbio Fuel cells, McPhy, ENGIE, Adventa , Alcrys and AFHYPAC

(Photo: Air Products HRS at Walmart in Los Angeles)