The third conference of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan, the technology pillar of the EU’s energy and climate policy, was organized on November 15-16, 2010 in Brussels . The SET Plan lays out the EU’s strategy to accelerate the development of these technologies and their market breakthrough. Six EU Industrial initiatives have been launched so far: the Joint Undertaking for fuel cells and hydrogen being the first and the only one with a fixed budget up to 2013. The new initiaitves launched this year Wind, Solar, Electricity Grid , Sustainable Bio energy, CCS and Nuclear Fission have all prepared their Roadmaps for 2020 but are struggling to secure budget. An appeal was made at the confernece by all intiaitives to speed up decisions at national level in order to avoid more delays. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells were mentioned in three presentations of the FCH JU, on the IPHE and in the presentation on the Coalition study. All three presentations also mentioned the important role of regions in addition to Member States as first customers and co financiers. International cooperation to boost markets and exchange best practice is crucial. As all SET Plan technologies contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, no reference was made to collaboration with the UNFCCC Technology Cooperation efforts, that is setting aside a budget of $ 30 bln up to 2012 of which the EU contributes 7,2 bln, All presentation can be downloaded from the SET Plan Conference website.