On April 1 the EP transport Committee approved the agreed upon text by the EP and the Council on the Directive on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (COM 2013/18). The new text still makes reference in recital (12b): Electricity and hydrogen are particularly attractive power sources for the deployment of electric/fuel cells vehicles and L-category vehicles in urban/suburban agglomerations and other densely populated areas which can contribute to improving air quality and reducing noise. Electromobility is an important contributor to meet the European Union ambitious climate and energy targets for 2020. Indeed the Directive 2009/28/EC on renewable energy, transposed by Member States by 5 December 2010, sets mandatory targets for all Member States for the share of energy from renewable sources with the aim to reach an EU target of at least 20% share of energy from renewable sources in 2020, and a 10% share of renewable energy specifically in the transport sector in 2020. The following relevant articles have been adjusted:
Article 3
National policy frameworks
1. Each Member State shall adopt a national policy framework for the market development of alternative fuels in the transport sector and the deployment of the relevant infrastructure.
It shall contain at least the following elements:
– assessment of state and future development of the market of alternative fuels in the transport sector, also in light of their possible simultaneous and combined use, and of the development of alternative fuels infrastructure, considering, where available, cross-border continuity;
– national targets and objectives, pursuant to Articles 4(1), 4(2a), 4(4), 6(1), 6(2), 6(2a), 6(3), 6(3b), 6(6), 6(6a) and, where applicable 5(1), for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. Those national targets and objectives shall be established and may be revised on the basis of an assessment of national, regional or Union-wide demand, while ensuring compliance with the minimum infrastructure requirements set out in this Directive;3
– measures necessary to ensure that the national targets and the objectives contained in their national policy framework are reached;
– measures that can promote the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure in public transport services;
– designation of the urban/suburban agglomerations, other densely populated areas and networks, which, subject to market needs, will be equipped with recharging points accessible to the public in accordance with Article 4(1);
– designation of the urban/suburban agglomerations, other densely populated areas and networks, which, subject to market needs, will be equipped with CNG refuelling points in accordance with Article 6(6);
There is also a new reference to the European Electro-mobility Observatory in recital (24d): It is of particular importance for fact based policy-making at all levels to collect best practice and coordinated data through monitoring activities, such as the “Clean Vehicle Portal” and the “European Electro-mobility Observatory”.