The EU Parliament (EP) and national parliamentarians discussed Europe’s future energy supply, the promotion of energy innovation and the EU’s role in international climate negotiationsat a two day meeting in Strasbourg.
“It is important that we Europeans now agree on a common position”, stressed European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering outlining the EP’s plans to vote on the EU’s climate change package at its plenary session from 15 to 18 December. The EP wanted to do its bit to get a final result by the end of this year, said the President, who asked: “How else do we want to make the US, Russia, India and China to follow us?”
“Energy and sustainable development is one of the major priorities of the French presidency and it’s the most difficult one”, said the President of the French National Assembly Bernard Accoyer. He was confident that the European Council on 11 and 12 December would take the necessary decisions in spite of the present economic situation.