​After the Communication on the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan, (COM2015 /6317)  of September 15, 2015 in which an integrated approach and not a technology “silo” approach is proposed and 10 actions (including on page 13, 8. Strengthen market take-up of renewable fuels needed for sustainable transport solutions:), stakeholders have been been working on a package of methodological indicators and targets to decide on EU and national level funding priorities. This process will be  will be finalised in a ‘declaration of intent’, scheduled for informal adoption on the 15th of March 2016 and likely to be  signed during the Dutch presidency  in May in the Netherlands between the Commission and Member States.
For this purpose the mandate and composition of the Smart Grids European Technology Platform is being revised to become a driving force behind the launch of heavily financed public-private partnerships and Energy Demonstration Projects (EDP). The EHA since the publication of the EU Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation in 2013 (COM 2013 /253) the EHA has been reminding its national member associations to follow this process closely with regards to inclusion of relevant topics for hydrogen and fuel cell deployment in their country’s energy funding priorities. The latest Communication on the SET Plan of September 2015  refers to the need for to work on hydrogen production for renewables and to  lowering the cost of fuel cells for use in transport.