EU Directive on the deployment of Alternative fuels infrastructure COM(2013/18) has been published in the European Journal. Each member State shall adopt a national policy framework for the development of the market as regards alternative fuels in transport and the deployment of the relevant infrastructure by November 18, 2016. It will therefore be crucial that hydrogen is included in the the policy frameworks of Member States that are interested in pursuing the use of hydrogen beyond 2025. As Art 5, dedicated to hydrogen, implicates that:

1. Member States which decide to include hydrogen refuelling points accessible to the public in their national policy frameworks shall ensure that, by 31 December 2025, an appropriate number of such points are available, to ensure the circulation of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles, including fuel cell vehicles, within networks determined by those Member States, including, where appropriate, cross-border links.

2. Member States shall ensure that hydrogen refuelling points accessible to the public deployed or renewed as from 18 November 2017 comply with the technical specifications set out in point 2 of Annex II.

3. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8 to update the references to the standards referred to in the technical specifications set out in point 2 of Annex II where those standards are replaced by new versions thereof adopted by the relevant standardisation organisations.

The EHA will be cooperate with its national member associations to ensure hydrogen is mentioned in their national policy frameworks to accelerate the roll out of fuel cell vehicles and create clean corridors to all corners of Euruope.