The recent EU Council Conclusions on May 22, 203 referred to “significant investments in new and intelligent energy infrastructure to secure the
uninterrupted supply of energy at affordable prices.” In addition the Council listed 7 priority areeas to facilitate investments, among which phasing out harmful subsidies for fossil fuels:
1. Swift implementation of the TEN-E Regulation and the adoption this autumn of the list of projects of common interest with a view to supporting efforts across the EU to achieve effective interconnection between Member States
2. Adoption of the Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure;
3. Revision by the Commission of state aid rules to allow for targeted interventions to facilitate energy and environmental investment, ensuring a level playing-field and respecting the integrity of the single market;
4. Phasing out environmentally or economically harmful subsidies, including for fossil fuels;
5. Presentation by the Commission of guidance on efficient and cost-effective support schemes for renewable energies and on ensuring adequate generation capacity;
6. National and EU measures, such as the structural funds, project bonds and enhanced EIB support, to boost the financing of energy and resource efficiency, energy infrastructure and renewables and promote the development of Europe’s technological and industrial basis;
7. Continued efforts on energy R&D, technology and the exploitation of synergies with ICT, through better coordination between the EU, Member States and industry and drawing up of a R&D strategy in energy matters to achieve genuine added value at European level.