EHA industry members acted swiftly to provide the EU Commission with detailed input on their operations to sustain the joint EHA/EIGA request to adapt the tresholds for onsite hydrogen storage in view of hydrogen refeulling infrastructure requirements . The Commission is expecting to finalize the impact study of various proposed amendments to the Directive before the summer. The EHA in collaboration with EIGA has stepped up its monitoring of various EU policy proposals on hydrogen developments. The European Parliament’s environment committee on May 4 adopted a proposal to recast the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, which combines seven existing directives into a single directive on industrial emissions (IED). The proposal seeks to reinforce the implementation of the legislation, which obliges industrial installations to obtain permits from national authorities to release pollutants into the air, soil and water. MEPs strengthened the proposal by limiting the instances where public authorities can issue permits for installations that do not follow best available techniques (BATs). The Parliament did not however adopt an amendment suggested by the EHA to facilitate the authorisation of small hydrogen reformers in view of the development of the infrastructure for hydrogen as a clean energy vector. The proposal will be voted in the Parlaiemnets plenary session in July.