The EHA, at a Stakeholder Consultation Meeting organised by DG Environment on Novemebr 10, on the review of the EU Seveso II Directive, asked the EU Commission more consideration of the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier in its environmental protection legislation. Current environmental legislation look at hydrogen only as an industrial gas and is not yet taken acoount the increasing use of hydorgen as a  clean energy carrier in transport and stationary energy systems. The EHA is closely following the review of the EU Integrated Pollution Prvention and Control Directive and the Seveso II Directive that applies to thousands of industrial establishments where dangeorus substances are present in quantities exceeding the treshold in the directive (for hydrogen 5 tons). more information on the Seveso II review process can be found at the Seveso II website. The EHA  reortt of the meeting is available for EHA members in the members section.