During the 2010 National Association’s meeting, presentations were given by National Association Members, regional representatives, and the European Commission DG Research and DG MOVE.

The Norwegian Hydrogen Forum gave an overview on hydrogen developments in Norway informing the group on demonstration projects including Utsira applying a wind-hydrogen system, HyNor with ambitions to obtain vehicle fleet of around 40 vehicles, and events such as the ZeroRally that will be held at the end of August this year.

The Dutch-Flanders region of Belgium gave insight on the WaterstofNet project approved within the European Interreg Program; the project aims to reach for concise goals, with a limited infrastructure to create visible results in only 3 years.

Founded in 2003, the Bulgarian Hydrogen Society introduce themselves for the first time, and put in the picture their partners, activities, and projects.

The German Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association perspectives gave the attendants a glance into the future of hydrogen vehicle deployment, fueling build-up, and the Callux-project launching stationary residential application.

Prof. Margitfalvi from the hydrogen section of the Hungarian Energy Association presented the ambitious Hungarian objectives for preparation, learning from existing technologies, demonstration projects, and dissemination of information to be applied in time for the Hungarian European Council Presidency in the first half of 2011.

A number of Hydrogen research projects launched in Latvia are currently in the works, the presentation posted by the Latvian Hydrogen Association outlines these projects which present new opportunities to researchers in the field.

The Macedonian Association for Hydrogen outlined their structure and activities; their presentation also gave an understanding of the international project “Green Hydrogen House,” an innovative collaboration between entities in other neighboring nations.

The Spanish presentation described the Spanish national government initiatives and the projects currently within their duration generally focused on production, vehicle application, and vessel application; also noted was the location of the Spanish National Center for Hydrogen Fuel Cells, in Peurto Llano.

The Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership presented a vision of collaboration, the example gave the audience the impression that international cooperation and representation can produce substantial results, as done with the collaboration between Hydrogen Sweden, HyNor, and Hydrogen Link.

The Region of Flanders gave a gracious presentation outlining the perspective of the region on the development of hydrogen fuel cell technologies, developments, and the Belgian Presidency’s plans for the SET- Plan.

The member of DG Research present at the meeting graciously explained the definitions of the SET-Plan, while in conclusion emphasised the necessary shared effort from the EU, Member States, Industry and the Financial Community to implement all initiatives.

Dr William Borthwick representing  DG MOVE, gave a detailed insight on the state of play of the Future White Paper on Transport, The Action Plan for Urban Mobility, and the Civitas Initiative.

The presentations can be downloaded above.