Since 2010 the EHA has been active in the European Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels (EGFTF) that had been created by the European Commission  for the purpose of:

  • Assessing market potential, technological issues, economic aspects, environmental impacts, and social implications of the different alternative fuels considered as part of a long-term oil substitution for transport fuels
  • Designing scenarios towards substitution of fossil energy sources for transport fuels
  • Recommending policy measures towards substitution of oil as transport fuel

To support the Commission’s Transport 2050 Strategy 2011, that aims to break EU transport’s dependence on oil and proposes a target of 60 % greenhouse gas emissions’ reduction by 2050. It also sets goals for the different modes of transport, including CO2-free city logistics in major urban centres by 2030, halving the use of conventionally-fuelled cars in urban transport by 2030, and phasing them out in cities by 2050.  As the EC Clean Power for Transport (COM2013/17) package indicated, these goals cannot be achieved with conventional fuels but require a big share of alternative fuels.

The EGFTF are currently reviewing the development of alternative fuels for transport in Europe and worldwide in recent years and study the prospects for the future, with milestones 2020, 2025, 2030, with special reference, whenever possible, to the evolution of fuel cost and production and market development of alternative fuel vehicles and vessels and the relevant infrastructure, in view of contributing to a future European policy  in the field of alternative fuels.

The intention is to issue a report by the end of 2014. For more information on the work of the EGFTF and its reports please visit the DG MOVE website





[1] Transport White Paper 2011