On November 18, 2013 the EHA in cooperation with the International Partnership for fuel cells and Hydrogen in the Economy, IPHE organized the third H2igher Educational Rounds on the occasion of the 20th IPHE meeting and hosted by the Kyushu University Research Centre for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage (Hydrogenius) in Fukuoka Japan. At the Educational Rounds prospective students, under graduates and post graduates are informed by IPHE delegates about FC and H2 progress in their countries. The Rounds also offer insight in research and developments in specific areas. More than 60 participants attended the Rounds. Mike Miller of the DOE presented the US policy with regards to the support of 3000$/kW for fuel cells that have stimulated the recent larger volumes of stationary fuel cells, professor Jurgen Garche, chair of the IPHE Educational Working Group presented the German government programs that since 1975 have accelerated funding for FC and H2 programs. Haruhiko Ando, director Resources and Energy Policy of Hitotsubashi university referred to the need of students “boot camps” to engage more brains to tackle the challenges in energy pathways development. Hiroyuki Irie, of Fukuoka Prefecture presented the HyLife project on human resource development. Fukuoka established Fukuoka Strategy Conference for Hydrogen Energy opened its FC and H2 human resource development centre already in 2008 that offers coursesfor engineers and technicians. At the Students asked questions on the job perspectives in fuel cells and hydrogen and on the prospectives of these technologies in develeping countries. EHA executive director, Marieke Reijalt, is part of the Italian delegation in the IPHE.