The EHA is co-organized  the second Educational Encounter in collaboration with  the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy , IPHE,  on May 22, 2013 on the occasion of the IPHE meeting in London. The Encounter was hosted by the London Hydrogen Partnership and attended by IPHE members of US, China, Brazil, South Africa, Germany.  Simon Dite, PhD student at University College London presented his work on perspectives on dynamics of hydrogen storage development.
The Educational Encounters  offer un opportunity to students and IPHE members to share the latest status of FC and H2 Technology and Education in their countries. The first  Encounter was held on November 13, 2012 in Seville on the occasion of the IPHE meeting in Seville. The next Educational Encounter is planned on the occasion of the IPHE meeting in Japan. 

The IPHE welcomed Michio Hashimoto, Director General New Technology Division of the New Energy and Industrial  Technology Development. Dr. Hashimoto is following Dr. Nilgün Parker of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. EHA director, Marieke Reijalt was appointed an official delegate of the IPHE in the Italian delegation to continue the EHA contribution to the IPHE Education Working Group.