The first Hydrogen Ministerial Challenge on October 23, 2018 saw 20 countries sign the Tokyo statement.
At the Energy Storage Global Conference 2018 organized by EASE global storage figures of China, 390 MW in 2018 and the US, 773 MW hampered only by battery availability and surging to 2.3 GW and 5.5 in 2020, set the scene for the TSO2020 mid-term workshop.
Haitze Siemers, head of unit of New Energy Technologies and Innovation and Clean coal, compared fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) technology development of many applications over the last years to a multi-headed snake Hydra. Now is the time to focus on deploying those FCH applications that will have a big impact on the main goal of European policy in the coming decades: reducing CO2 emissions.
Axel Volkery policy officer of Unit B.4 Sustainable and Intelligent Transport of DG MOVE pointed to the specific role of hydrogen in heavy duty . “We need to be careful for stranded investments: as for natural gas and hydrogen large funds have been going into stations that are underused. The TSO2020 project could help facilitate the connection and necessary regulatory environment between energy grid and transport infrastructure.”
Bart Tuinema of TU Delft presented the study of the dynamic interaction between international connected electrical transmission networks and the large scale demand response associated with power to gas, or, how an electrolyser behaves in this environment.
TU Delft performed static and mostly dynamic analysis of the impacts of power systems on the grid in order to keep it stable at 50Hz and 230V rms: with power generation changing from large central spinning generators to multiple smaller and intermittent renewable generators auxiliairy services are needed.
TU Delft also presented some case studies on auxiliary services provided by electrolysers. First conclusions:
1. Electricity price wil determine annual capacity factor of the electrolyser;
2. Market regulatory framework needs to boost operational flexibilty
3. Also PEM fuel cells are technically capable of partaking in all frequency and balancing markets
Carmen Wouters of DNV GL presented the status of Cost Benefit Analysis modelling so far. Work is concentrated on:
Pierre Garsoux of Tractebel presented the different KPI’s of the market perspective based on the scenario’s including coal phase out in DE (2030 according to IPCC?), NL and DK (2030). They also modelled revenues based on the optimum electricity price level the electrolyser will produce hydrogen (optimum €51 per MWh). Prelimenary result; high potential profitability for the electrolyser with 4-6 years payback time!
Jan Veijer, of Gasunie New Energy and coordinator of TSO2020 refered to the recent announcements of 100 MW of TenneT and Gasunie in Germany and Tata Steel and the port of Amsterdam point to the accelaration in capacity. The final TSO2020 CBA model report is due March 31, 2019