The EHA, together with HyER and the HySafe association will display a wide variety of national and regional activities at a large stand at the Group Exhibit Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, Batteries at this year’s Hannover Fair form April 8 – 11. The Group Exhibit organizers report already the largest surface area for H2 and FC suppliers since they started the Exhibit 20 years ago. Over the years the Hannover Fair has seen the largest grouping of an increasing number of H2 and FC suppliers that have attracted many visitors outside Europe as well. The EHA in collaboration with the German Hydrogen and Fuel cell Association DWV has been an exhibitor since 2004, so this will be our 10 year anniversary in Hannover (picture shows the first individual EHA stand in 2008! We therefore encourage all our national association members to join us in Hannover and to send us their brochures to promote the achievements in their countries and present their plans for the coming years.