In view of the launch of the European Energy Programme for Recovery, the EU Green Car Initiative, Clean Bus Financing Facility and Renewable Energy Financing Facility the EHA invited the European Investment Bank to its AGM and European National Association Meeting (ENAM) on June 17, 2009 in Brussels to explain more details on these ancing programmes. In addition the upcoming call for proposals of the Joint Undertaking for fuel cells and hydrogen, JU FCH, this June and the contribution of the EHA and national associations will be discussed with the chair of the JU FCH Governing Board, Gijs van Breda Vriesman. The ENAM focussed this year on leveraging EU, national and local funding and the dissemination of relevant JU FCH results and developments. In collaboration with its national associations the EHA is also developmenting key messages to the newly elected EU decision makers. All presentations of the event are availble to EHA members on the intranet site.