At the Third Hydrogen Infrastructure Workshop organized by HyER (formerly HyRaMP), together with the European Hydrogen Association, EHA, on October 20, the message from world leading hydrogen suppliers, Linde and Air Liquide, was loud and clear: hydrogen will be produced by many different primary energy sources, including renewable sources and can be effectively and economically distributed using existing distribution networks. Hydrogenics, a global hydrogen infrastructure equipment supplier, explained the important contribution of hydrogen storage to peakshaving and to smooth integration of more renewable energy into electricity grids. H2Logic, who installs and operates hydrogen refuelling stations in Scandinavia, described the comprehensive authorisation procedures for hydrogen refuelling stations in the Nordic countries, that could be an example for more cumbersome processes in some of the EU Member States. In the afternoon Commission officials, presented relevant EU policy on energy, transport, industry and regional development. Further insight on future deployment potential was given by the chairman and the director of the Joint Undertaking for fuel cells and hydrogen. The meeting was rounded up by the presentation of HyER (formerly HyRaMP)’s extensive survey of hydrogen infrastructure development by HyER (formerly HyRaMP)’s 30 members throughout 13 countries in Europe. All presentations are listed above.