The European Energy Programme for Recovery, EEPR, regulation establishes a financing instrument for the development of projects
in the field of energy in the EU. By providing a financial impulse it will contribute to economic recovery, the security of energy supply and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
It establishes sub-programmes to advance these objectives in the fields of:
(a) gas and electricity infrastructures; (“Interconnections”)
(b) offshore wind energy; ( “OWE”)and
(c) carbon capture and storage ( “CCS”).
In addition, it identifies projects to be financed under each sub-programme and lays down criteria for identifying and implementing actions to realise them. The specific projects to be financed are detailed in the Annex of the EEPR Regulation. Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy (hereinafter “EEPR” regulation) was recently agreed between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council. The official text will only be
available in July 2009 following linguistic revision, translation into all Community languages, formal adoption by the Council and publication in the Official Journal of the European Community. This official text will be the legal basis for implementing this call for proposals. Annex I to this call for proposals contains the provisional text (a non-official working document) of the Regulation. An infoday has been planed for June 3, 2009, for more information please visit the Call website.