At the last Expert Group of Future Transport Fuels coordinated by DG MOVE, a preview of the 10th edition of EU Consumer Market Scoreboard published by DG Health and Consumers was presented. The Consumer Markets Scoreboard tracks the performance of 50 consumer markets using indicators such as comparability of offers, trust in retailers, problems, complaints, satisfaction, switching and choice. This 10th edition started already in 2011 and includes information on the functioning of the market for motor vehicles.  More than 25.000 consumers were interviewed on if they are well informed on the different motor fuels.  Fuel prices and labeling at the pump in various countries were verified as well . The Scoreboard found that consumers rely also heavily on family to be informed on the type of fuel next to the vehicle manual. Inconsistencies in labeling were identified between petrol station and between countries. The Scoreboard found that general knowledge about fuels especially alternative fuels is still very poor; an EC staff working document is expected this month with recommendations on information on biofuels to facilitate better information on alternative fuels to customers. The EHA is part of the expert that is preparing a State of the Art report with recommendations on supporting instruments by the end of this year.