“Hydrogen may play a major role in the future energy system. Large quantities of hydrogen could be made from (surplus) solar and wind energy, also known as power-to-gas (P2G). Of course, it is important for P2G installations to be positioned close to sustainable electricity production facilities, thus avoiding the high costs associated with expanding the electricity network.”
On February 15 2015, the Dutch TSO for eletricity TenneT toghter with the TSO for gas Gasunie, who operate also in Germany presented their joint Outlook for 2050 in the context of the draft Climate Agreement. Using Outlook 2050 as a basis, transmission system operators Gasunie and TenneT will take the following steps to carry out, with the help of distribution system operators, an integrated infrastructure study 2030-2050. This integral infrastructure study 2030 – 2050 is also specified as one of the agreements in the draft Climate Agreement. This study is to be available by 2021 and will provide more clarity on the trends in demand for electricity and gases. The study will also include the findings from the Regional Energy Strategies (RES).
Manon van Beek, TenneT’s CEO: “Solar PV and offshore wind energy have shown huge cost reductions in a very short period. And the energy transition will accelerate as governments continue to set higher targets for restricting CO2 emissions. That’s why we all need to act together now. This Outlook 2050 initiated by TenneT and Gasunie represents a solid, joint start with fresh insights. Industry is also a crucial partner in this process. For energy systems are not converted overnight but require sustained, joint efforts.”
Han Fennema, Gasunie’s CEO: “The study shows the requirements and the restrictions relating to a future CO2-neutral energy system. In order to cope with increasing fluctuations in the energy network we need our gas and electricity infrastructures to be seamlessly aligned. If our Outlook 2050 makes one thing clear, it is that linking TenneT’s network to Gasunie’s will provide the flexibility required by the energy system; it will also keep the system reliable and affordable.”