A energetic and forward looking local petrol station owner in the North of the Netherlands is mobilizing the whole value  chain of H2 production to H2 application in his area to transform the Dutch natural gas bubble into a H2 one. Edward Doorten developed the concept of  his Green Plant multi fuel station in Pesse, 28th exit on the A28 highway, around engaging his customers in the transformation of fossil fuelled vehicles to cleaner alternatives. As a partner in the first EU Synergy project, TSO2020, he will be building the first public highway hydrogen station in the area plus another station in the area cofunded by the Dutch DKTI funding. On May 24, 2018 he invited the Dutch H2 afficinados and scpetics to the premises of the truckers insurance association TVM Hoogeveen. this is an overview of the main quotes:

  1. Gasunie is looking at adapting its network to transport pure hydorgen gas: there are still some technical issues to be solved according to a first pilot in their network in the south of the Netherlands.
  2. Shell is looking at promoting the use of ever cleaner gas from LNG to hydrogen
  3. Hyundai NEXO is now on sale (3000 worldwide) with deliveries planned in August 2018: 69 – 75k in NL with tax incentives, TCO 1.372, bijtelling 4%, € 96 euro in NL, lease € 600 -700 in Germany
  4. Toyota: 3000 Mirai for Europe in 2018, towards 30k FCEV  annual production in 2020
  5. Dutch H2 Platform suggested three public support actions that could help solve gap in FCEV and HRS financing: taxing CO2 (WPLTO), subsidies to top up second hand value, FCEV acquisition subsidies: fleet operators stressed to focus on the need to inform customers
  6. Truckdevelopers   E truck , EMOSS (power trains) emphasized the feasibility of transforming 30 ton trucks in emission free delivery vehicles even larger segments could served.