The EHA is following closely the developments in the UN Framework Convention on  Climate Change, UNFCCC, to establish a Green Climate Fund that should support cooperation between developed and developing countries on the deployment of clean technologies to mitigate adapt to climate  change . At the Conference  of the Parties  in Copenhagen (COP 16 in 2009) a Fast Finacing Fund was agreed that saw countries pledge a budget of $ 30 bln for 2010 – 2012 that should  rise to a $ 100 bln annual budget by 2020. At the last COP 18 in Durban in December last year a Technology Mechanism was agreed that included a Technology Executive Committee and a network of Climate Technology Centres throughout the developing world. The network would be operational in 2012. The Technology Portal to support technology cooperation operated by the UNFCCC does not contain a single hydrogen project yet.  The EHA is organizing a session on  at the World  Hydrogen Energy Conference in Toronto on June 6, 2012 that aims to change this. The session, “Business opportunities in Emerging Economies” will be featuring concrete examples of successful cooperation on H2 and FC development that could be integrated in the UNFCCC portal, to demonstrate the truly “global” market potential of these technologies to reduce emissions. The session will include fuel cell hybride  bus projects in Latin America, hydrogen storage porjects in Argentina, FC back up power in India and electrocatalysis development in South Africa. Ballard recently announced the sale  of  25 FCvelocity™-HD6 fuelcell modules to to City of Sao Paulo bus operations and Tata unveiled its Fuel Cell Starbus at the New Dehli Auto Expo in January of this year.