The principal advisor of the EU director general of Energy, Tudor Constantinescu, in his address at the “Let hydrogen move you!” conference, organised by the EHA in collaboration with HyER and the FCH JU program office, referred the need for industry and Member States to step up their efforts to ensure that the objectives laid in the EU Energy 2020 ambition are being reached. As the EU Parliament and Member States are currently discussing the Connecting Europe Facility, as a new EU instrument to finance necessary EU infrastructure development, the contribution of Member States and industry to ensure that future Energy, Transport and ICT infrastructure supports further acceleration of the EU internal market is crucial.
Pierre Etienne Franc, president of the FCH JU Governing Board, opened the “Let hydrogen move you!” event, pointed to the need of active government support to ensure a smooth market introduction as hydrogen transport and stationary applications are entering the commercial stage. The event saw updates of the most recent activities in the main fuel cell vehicles demonstration projects across Europe, moderated by the head of the FCH JU Program Unit Jean Luc Delplancke . The round table led by HyER president Andreas Ziolek focuessed on teh experiences in Hamburg with FCH buses and renewable hydrogen production, Sweden where actvie local government support still needs work, the Tuscany region that actively supports economical viable solutions, showcasing two ammonia powered FCEV vehicles the Flanders region that has supported Flanders industry interest in specific areas of fuel cell and hydrogen applications areas. In the session on hydrogen production and stationary fuel cell demonstration projects, moderated by EHA president Ian Williamson, E.On presented solid fuel cell oxide fuel cell field trial activities and Cogen Europe announced the upcoming launch of Ene.field, the largest micro fuel cell demonstration project in Europe to date. A workshop highlighting the main development in hydrogen and fuel cell educational curriculum developments was coordinated by the FCH JU HyProfessionals and HyFacts projects