According to the 2016 edition of the 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) developed by the European network of transmission system operators for electricity ENTSOE,  an extension of the current grid is needed to allow the shift of large quantities of renewables to the main consumption centres, even if local generation, demand response, storage and energy efficiency, will play an increasing role. The TYNDP 2016 foresees up to 150 billion euros of investments in grid infrastructure supporting 200 projects in transmission and storage. The TYNDP 2016 explores the possibility of a power system where 80% of the emissions will be cut by 2030. The EHA was the only participant linked to hydrogen of the InnoGrid2020+ annual conference,  that took place from 27-28 June 2016 . This year the conference focused on innovation paradigm behind the distribution and transmission interface.During the conference, it was pointed pointed out that there are 975 smart grid projects in 51 Countries in the World, Europe is among the world leaders in smart grid investments with 5,1 billion euros with a concentration of 2,3 billion euros in three European Countries namely: Germany, United Kingdom and France. Speakers underlined the importance of public funding to support the smart grid R&D and demonstration activities. At the event the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) was inaugurated.

Also at he event the Ten Year National The Grid+Storage consortium just presented the draft research and innovation (R&I) roadmap 2016-2025. For the first time, energy storage issues are integrated into electricity network activities. Stakeholders of the electricity value chain and of other energy networks are invited to provide feedback about the detailed activities foreseen in the roadmap which should drive the energy storage and smart grids R&I strategy at European level for the next decade. Although the public consultation was running up to 5 July 2016 and online available on Grid+Storage website, contributions to the topic are still welcome


Photo credit: Jean-Michel CLAJOT