This is the first step in providing practical guidance to Covenant Signatories. The SEAP template will help the Covenant signatories to structure their actions and measures, and to follow up implementation. At the same time the template is a valuable tool for collecting key information from the Sustainable Energy Action Plans, and thus encouraging exchange of experience. Highlights of the collected information will be shown on-line at the Covenant of Mayors website.A test phase was organised together with the “practitioners group” to fine tune the template. A large number of useful inputs were gathered to ensure a user-friendly document. The SEAP template is now available on-line as a pdf-version, accompanied by a document with clear instructions on how to fill it in. However, as of September it will work as an internet based tool that the Covenant signatories can fill in by themselves on-line. All signatories must complete the SEAP template in English at the same time when submitting the Sustainable Energy Action Plan in their own (national) language. The EHA has offered the Conveant to faciltiate input on succesful urban hydrogen projects for its benchmarking process. For more info visit the Convenants website.