Important changes are expected in the global automotive industry in several areas that are likely to profoundly reshape the industry and its markets worldwide. The European Commission relaunched the CARS 21 High Level Group in 2010 in order to explore these changes and challenges as part of a “European strategy on clean and energy-efficient vehicles”, adopted on 28th April 2010. The Group published on December 2nd 2011, the Interim report on the on “The Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union”.
The report, which covers the group’s consensus on a number of selected topics discussed so far. Some may be further elaborated and further topics will be added in the rest of the CARS 21 process, leading to the adoption of the Final Report. The texts calls for “preparing the launch of a specific major initiative on breakthrough technologies (including, among others, electrification of combustion engines, hybrid and electric vehicles, fuel cells, electrical and electronic systems), taking into account the possible development of the European Innovation Partnerships on Smart Mobility and Smart cities and other relevant initiatives.”
As part of the Commission’s modern industrial policy, the CARS 21 (Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st century) process, which was initially launched in 2005, aims to make recommendations for the short-, medium-, and long-term public policy and regulatory framework of the European automotive industry. This framework enhances global competitiveness and employment, while sustaining further progress in safety and environmental performance at a price affordable to the consumer.
To Read the Report See: CARS 21 Interim Report