Another less visible eclipse took place on March 20, 2015 in Brussels: air quality was worse than in Beijing, Shanghai and London according to Frans Fierens van de Intergewestelijke Cel voor het Leefmilieu (IRCEL website) . The daily average for small partccles (pm 2,5) was 92 µg/m3 two times the EU norm. ‘Nobody seems to care in Brussels’ sighed Paul De Grauwe, professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science and hoogleraar emeritus at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. last year the European Environmental Bureau EEB published a video to highlight the levels of ultra fine particle (UFP) emission in the busy European institutions area area of Rue Berlayemont and Rue del Loi with levels skyrocketing to 120.000 UFP per cubic cm near a construction site at Porte Namur (Electrabel headquarers) (photo courtesy Brussels News)