Large scale MW fuel cell systems are closing in on first markets; Fuel Cell Energy Solutions, Friatec AG and E.ON Connecting Energies at the second day of the 20th H2 and FC Group Exhibit discussed the use of large scale fuel cell systems. In another hall Siemens presented its 90 MW electrolyzer that should respond to the increasing need of balancing intermittent wind power and clean sources of hydrogen. In a panel discussion at the Group Exhibit, Klaus Bonhoff, managing director of NOW GmbH indicated that business models for energy storage solutions like batteries and hydrogen can only be developed if all energy consuming sectors are considered. The EU Commission’s upcoming renewable energy guidelines on April 9 that will set out what kind of subsidies member states are allowed to offer their renewable energy industry to reduce distortions to the internal market. The guidelines are a hot topic at the fair: the German government has put pressure on the EU to allow energy intensive industries to contribute less to the cost of the German Energiewende. At the EHA stand lively discussions went on on innovative solutions for wind power grid connections were discussed: some wind turbine manufacturers referred to the need to offer integrated solutions that could include fuel cells directly linked to individual wind turbines. These solutions still need an intensive information campaign to educate potential investors.