The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET),  has published a Roadmap 2017-26 on a system view of the whole energy transition, addressing a scope larger than electricity grids: it encompasses interactions with the gas and heat networks and focuses on the integration of all flexibility solutions into the power system, including energy storage technologies.

The full implementation of all R&I activities is estimated at 2.5 billion euros needed to finance innovation over the next decade both for transmission and distribution systems, and to be co-financed in clusters and functional objectives. The clusters give an indication of the prioritized topics: modernisation of the network; integration of smart customers and buildings; security and system stability; power system flexibility from generation, storage, demand and network; integration of decentralized resources of these kinds; economic efficiency and digitalization of the power system; network operations; and planning and asset management. The EHA is member of the Governing board of the ETIP SNET.