2017 started big at the World Economic Forum in Davos where 13 leading multinationals announced their Hydrogen Council, investing $10.7 bln in the coming 5 years to boost the energy transitio in the US, Europe China and Japan. The announcement followed other Davos’ on the International Finance Corporation indication of almost $23 trillion of climate investment opportunities in emerging economies as a result of the Paris Agreement. The most recent report from the Business and Sustainable Development Commission indicates that developing sustainable business models could unlock $12 trillion of economic opportunities and create almost 400 million jobs by 2030. On January 25, 2017, MEPs adopted a resolution to set priorities in view of the EU Commission proposal ‘a new European Consensus on Development’. This proposal includes the statement that ” the EU and its Member States will increase cooperation with all relevant parties, including the private sector, on energy demand management, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and clean technology development and transfer. They will also promote the phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidy, stable and transparent energy markets and deployment of smart grids and the use of digital technologies for sustainable energy management.” This year the EHA, as a network partner of the UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and member of the advisory board of the EU-funded CARISMA project, will therefor expanding its briefings regarding opportunities for international cooperation for hydrogen and fuel cells in a special section “Beyond borders”. (Photo: Made in Brazil: FC bus and H2 station)