ASTM Subcommittee D03.14 on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells is currently developing the last two of a series of standards designed to support quality standards for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles being developed by SAE International (formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The two standards currently under development are ASTM WK34574, Test Method for Determination of Trace Hydrogen Bromide, Hydrogen Chloride, Chlorine and Organic Halides in Hydrogen Fuel by Gas Chromatography (GC) with Electrolytic Conductivity Detector Cell (ELCDC) and Mass Spectrometer (MS); and ASTM WK23815, Test Method for Determination of Total Halocarbons Contained in Hydrogen and Other Gaseous Fuels.

Subcommittee D03.14 is part of ASTM International Committee D03 on Gaseous Fuels. According to Jacquelyn Birdsall, who chairs D03.14, the proposed standards, along with standards that have already been approved, will play an important role in the hydrogen fuel industry.

“Since 2008, D03.14, with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy, has approved nine ASTM methods to support the commercialization of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel,” says Birdsall. “These standards were identified by the industry as essential to commercialization and will be part of international and national hydrogen quality codes and standards.”

All interested parties are invited to participate in the standards developing activities of D03.14. The subcommittee would be particularly interested in working with laboratories that have the capabilities to evaluate the proposed test methods.

Source: FuelCellToday