When: 30 June, 2015

The 5th EUROPEAN PEFC & H2 FORUM will be a highlight of the year for those involved with HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS (H2FC like PEFC, HTPEM, AFC, PAFC,…), DIRECT ALCOHOL FUEL CELLS (DAFC like DMFC) and for the first time also MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS (MBFC). HYDROGEN production, storage & infrastructure (H2PSI) are also fully included. In 2013, the EUROPEAN PEFC&H2 FORUM was Europe’s largest event dedicated to these H2FC, DAFC and H2PSI topics exclusively and has evolved to the leading European meeting place.

The Topics of science, engineering, materials,
systems, testing, applications and markets will range from:

• FC catalysts – FC membranes & other components
• Characterization of FC materials
• Durability and degradation mitigation strategies
• FC diagnostics & modelling
• Stack and system integration, operation strategies
• H2 production with emphasis on electrolysis techniques, e.g. PEM and alkaline
• H2 storage material and systems including theory and modelling
• H2 infrastructure and demo sites systems, operation and costs
• Fuel processing and hydrogen purification
• FC power trains and vehicles
• Portable applications and early markets
• Combined heat and power
• Major regional & company developments
• Demonstration and deployment – success stories
• Assessment, applicability & education
