The 5th E-mobility Stakeholder Forum took place in Brussels on the 22nd and 23rd of March. The two-day conference brought together a variety of actors from the electro-mobility sector from policy to education. This event was partnered with an another event the following week.  The March 28th,  platform for electromobility  event: “Energy on the Move: Going Forward with Electro-mobility”.

The opening session highlighted the crucial role of for e-mobility in Europe and the importance of innovation in transport policy to lower global CO2 emissions. DG MOVE stated that to reach decarbonization, electrification is key. Although fuel cell electric vehicles were not featured very much DG MOVE reported on the 17 national plans so far who also integrated hydrogen. An important aspect of the EU’s decarbonisation strategy being the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (AFI), also mentioned during the forum. While the AFI directive required all member states to submit a plan by November 2016, only 17 member states have done this so far, 12 however did include the development of a hydrogen infrastructure: CZ, DE, NL, EE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, BE, AT, BG

The second mobility event held by the platform at the EU parliament included a much stronger inclusion of hydrogen into the discussions. Only NOW’s managing director, Dr. Klaus Bonhoff felt the need to include the role of hydrogen Namely, in the essential role, green hydrogen has to play in grid stabilisation and reaching the Paris commitments. The keynote speech by Christian Linder, a member of the Cabinet of the EU Commissioner Sefcovic, highlighted the focus of the Energy Union on the linkages between transportation, innovation and research.

It was equally mentioned, that before summer the Commission will be releasing a major mobility package. All presentations can be found here: