October 27-28th During the 4th HyRaMP AGM, 32 member regions agreed to aim “HyER” in accelerating zero emissions vehicles.  HyRaMP has now changed to become “HyER”, Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electromobility for European Regions. The now, HyER Assembly presented the new structure of the organisation, the new name and logo, and welcomed two new members, the City of Rotterdam and the Region of Poitou Charentes.

The First HyER Seminar “Towards fact-based policy support for electromobility: the European Electromobility Observatory” was opened by Fotis Karamitsos, Director of Unit C Innovative and Sustainable Mobility, DG MOVE. Congratulating HyER on its achievements, he confirmed the European Commission’s support for the Partnership and aims for the HyER Electromobility Observatory. Mr. Karamitsos included that he looks forward to a strong collaboration with HyER in which the regions provide valuable input on local developments to support the EU in developing effective financial and regulatory measures. He expressed his hope that European Regions will support the EU’s objective to halve the use of conventional fuelled vehicles in 2030 and to reduce overall transport emissions by 60% in 2050.

The Seminar included presentations from Car manufacturers Nissan and Toyota, Hydrogen and infrastructure suppliers Air Products and Vattenfall, the European Project Green eMotions, European Organisations and regions Eurelectric, Rotterdam, The European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, and The Automotive Intergroup of the Committee of Regions.

For more information see downloads section for the presentations from the event and the HyER Press Release.