Under the Clean Hydrogen In European Cities project (CHIC), 3 new Fuel Cell Hydrogen buses are now in service in London! By the end of 2011 there will be a total of 8 Fuel Cell Hydrogen (FCH) buses running in the city.
The new buses, which were designed specially for London, are now carrying passengers on the RV1 route– which takes passengers in Covent Garden, the Tower of London and the South Bank.
Transport for London, the CHIC partner base in London, is reminding passengers that the application of these buses will provide better quality breathing air to London residents.
Overall, it’s a clean ride for Londoners.
HyER (formerly HyRaMP) is dissemination partner for the CHIC project. The HyER (formerly HyRaMP) secretariat is run by EHA.
For more information on the CHIC project see: www.chic-project.eu