On March 9, 2023 the EU Commission presented a new new Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework to foster support measures in sectors which are key for the transition to a net-zero economy, in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan. With this latest instrument the Commission is clearly gearing up to facilitate Member States, simplifying the conditions for the granting of aid to small projects and less mature technologies, such as renewable hydrogen, by lifting the need for a competitive bidding process, subject to certain safeguards until December 31, 2025.

However few concrete tools exist to start this work on the ground. The GENCOMM project for example, co funded by the North Western Europe Interreg program, since three years, is validating the maturity of hydrogen technologies by implementing 3 pilot plants that link the 3 main northwest European renewable sources (Solar Power, Wind Power, and Bioenergy) with energy storage and the main forms of energetic demand (Heat, Power and Transportation fuels). Based on the pilot plants; integrated technical and financial simulation models will be developed.  Together, both models will form a Decision Support Tool (DST) that provides a roadmap for communities to transition to renewable, hydrogen-based energy matrixes. The DST is directed to community energy stakeholders (utilities, policy-makers, and private firms in the energy sector), as the key agents to implement the proposed matrix. The project will first engage energetically and territorial remote communities to then address the rest of NWE. More information on the reports and statis of the pilot plants has been collected in the GENCOMM newsletters with an exclusive preview of the next newsletter.