The non binding declaration signed by 130 cities in 34 EU countries, includes guidelines   for implementing local policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by involving all local actors, better urban planning, transport and mobility, renewable energy and diversified energy production.”Cities are best placed to speak with their citizens on global matters such as climate change” and to show how local level changes from waste management to public transport can contribute to facing this global challenge”, said EUROCITIES, the European organisation of European municipalities who facilitated the declaration in a statement. 70% of the European population lives in an urban context. Proposed actions include sustainable public procurement, educational partnerships, limiting urban sprawl and developing compact cities and new forms of mobility, the production of renewable energy. EUROCITIES President and Mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb. “The states must delegate to the cities the authority to act on a local level to reduce emissions, and undertake with the European Union to provide funding for initiatives supporting public transportation, housing, and energy,” he added. More info at