Sagrari Miguel is the new office manager of the Spanish Hydrogen Association, AeH2. As a post graduate in renewables energy, fuel cells and hydrogen, she joined the team of AeH2 last June. The Spanish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform, of which the AeH2 is the technical secretariat, was recently invited to a meeting at the new Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in which the deputy secretary for research development and innovation confirmed the importance of this platform for Spain’s future development strategy. The AeH2 is also actively engaged in standardization issues in the hydrogen field and has promoted in collaboration with AENOR, the creation of the AEN/CTN 181 of “Hydrogen Technologies” in 2005. Its objective is the development of its own standard documents and the adaptation of standard documents about hydrogen technologies. The AeH2 also participates, through the AEN/CTN 181, in the International Comitee ISO/TC 197 “Hydrogen Technologies”, as a member. In the last 4-5 months inquiries of interested SME’s to get involved in the Platform’s activities increased sharply. The next AeH2 AGM will take place at the Genera Fair May 23-25, 2012 in Madrid where also a few technical seminars on early hydrogen and fuel cell markets will be included in the program.
The AeH2 has submitted the candidacy for the World Hydrogen Energy Conference in 2016.