The EHA over the last two years has actively promoting facilitated authorisation of smaller hydrogen generators in the review of the Integrated Pollution and Prevention and Control Directive. The recast of the IPPC Directive is currently being reviewed by the EU ParliamentThe EHA sent a paper for an amendment of the proposal (attached), referring to the absence of an indication of the type and/or size of hydrogen production activity that the Directive intends to cover. Because of this the IPPC Directive has already lead and will continue to lead to the imposition by national authorities of an authorization process for small hydrogen production activities that are without significant impact to the environment. This is an unjustified but real obstacle to the commercial development of this otherwise competitive mode of supply. The EHA mentioned also that the development of hydrogen as an energy carrier will involve the small scale distributed production of H2 from a variety of renewable sources, by electrolysis or reforming. On-site hydrogen production by such means is also expected to be required in relation with road vehicle refuelling. It is therefore crucial for the development of distributed production of hydrogen in Europe to revise the directive’s current formulation with regards to hydrogen production, which currently constitutes an unjustified regulatory barrier.