The Road to Copenhagen initiative was created in response to the need for business and key stakeholders to participate in and influence the process leading up to the post 2012 agreement of the Kyoto Protocol being adopted. By invitation of EU Commission Vice President Margot Wallström, Club of Madrid, Globe Europe ((Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment) and Respect Table (a business led group with focus on Sustainable Development) joined forces to create the Road to Copenhagen. The initiative builds upon the Global Leadership for Climate Action project launched in 2007 by the Club of Madrid and the United Nations Foundation and the ongoing work of GLOBE with legislators and Respect Table with the business community. The aim of Road to Copenhagen is to ensure that business and other key stakeholders have a direct input into the post 2012 agreement process via inputs to the policy process at strategically important times. The EHA contributed to the Working Group meeting on Access to technology and capacity building”. For more information please visit click here