The EHA participated in a hearing of MEP Malcolm Harbour, rapporteur for the EC communication the promotion of pre commercial procurement of innovative products. The EHA has followed the EU dossiers on Lead Markets and Pre commercial Procurement to increase the visibility of commercial hydrogen applications with public procurement officials at local and national level. The Lead Markets initiative of the Commission has identified six areas of strategic interest for Europe: eHealth, Protective Textiles, Sustainable construction, Recycling, Bio-based products, Renewable energies, an area that could be interesting for hydrogen applications. i.e. efficient electrolysers.
Procurement in Europe covers 45-50% of EU GDP, while public procurement is 17% of EU GDP. The EHA suggested to Mr. Harbour that the former  EU Technology Platform on hydrogen and fuel cells included reference to the importance of public procurement for the development of the commercial applications and the importance of the establishment of early links to the TP’s and Lead markets.  The EHA is planning a meeting with the Lea Market initiative in January 2009.