The EHA, as follow up of the Commission’s presentation at the EHA’s General assembly last June on the SET Plan,  in which fuel cells and hydrogen are listed as EU’s key technology challenges for the coming decades, organised a meeting at DG TREN to discuss the integration of clean energy technologies in the EU quartier. President Barosso announced the greening of the EU quartier in the spring of this year. The EHA presented the need to develop concrete plans and models  for clean energy technology integration in urban areas to avoid an inefficient mix of different systems. The integration of clean energy technologies in big urban city centres has been hampered by the great number of leased properties of which the owners have no immediate interest in the use of clean energy systems. The Commission referred to the Concerto funding programme that supports clean energy integration in local communities and suggested to contact building maintenance technicians of EC buildings . The EHA has also planned meetings with EU Parliament technical staff.