The EHA organised a meeting with the director of EREC the European Renewable Energy Council  to discuss potential joined projects that demonstrate synergies between renewable energy and sustainable hydrogen production. EREC’s  position on hydrogen is neutral and does not actively support its use as a renewable energy storage medium.  According to EREC hydrogen is an expensive solution that could only contribute to the EU’s renewable and emission targets in the long term. EREC is regarding the use of battery powered vehicles a more economically feasible solution for clean urban transport in the short term. The EHA explained that most car manufacturers see battery powered electric vehicles as a solution for short trips in the city and that fuel cell powered electric vehicles will be able to help cover future consumer demand regarding long distance trips. As hydrogen is an excellent vector to store large quantities of electricity the EHA turged EREC to continue a pro-active dialogue as suggested by the EU Commission at the SET Plan hearing that the EHA organised last year, to identify opportunities to integrate the production of hydrogen in future large scale renewable energy projects.