Helsinki on its way to become next hydrogen hub
 Oy Woikoski Ab, a Finnish family-run business, is investing heavily in the creation of a hydrogen society on»
Fuel Cell Today publishes Report on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in Finland
Fuel Cell Today has published a series of five reports on the Nordic countries, one which gives a brief overview of the energy context in Finland.  Finland’s particular strength is in the use of wood-based biomass for energy. Over a fifth of its primary energy consumption is met by bioenergy, one of the highest proportions among the OECD member countries, and it has the highest share of biomass in electricity generation in the world. on»
Hydrogen Refuelling Station for Arctic
H2 Logic A/S has recently supplied a hydrogen refuelling station 150 meters north of the polar circle, at the Arctic Driving Centre in Finland. The station is based on H2Station® technology and provides three minutes fast fill of hydrogen at 700 bar for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) being tested by car manufacturers under extreme cold climate conditions. on»
11th European Forum on Eco-Innovation
The European Commission, Directorate General for the Environment is hosting  the 11th European Forum on Eco-Innovation that will take place on 11 and 12 October in on»